About Me

I thought I should introduce myself.
My name is Deb Terilli, I live in West Greenwich, R.I. With my husband, dog and my cat Ben. We are both retired at our longtime jobs, me a nurse, my husband, a musician. We enjoy our time being home on our 18 acres in the country, gardening, walking and just being.
I took up jewelry making over 18 years ago as a way to chill after a stressful day at work. I loved oncology infusion nursing so much, but it often followed me home and jewelry making just gave me the release I needed.
Over the years, my work as evolved from basic beading to vintage repurposing, to now silversmithing. I still love working with old copper, and vintage beads. But learning a new skill with metalsmithing has been amazing. Creating pieces that others will love as much as me is my goal!
Now I’m also learning enameling and hope to add some pieces and incorporate it into my designs.
I love doing local art shows, and this year, I’ll be trying my hand in some new adventures. I've spread my wings, enjoying new Art show in Connecticut and Mass. If I don't see you in person, enjoy strolling through my shop here.